August Update

A relatively slow month this time around. I’ve been wrapping up my work on Burden of Command this month, and although I’m still not entirely finished, we’re reaching a point where my role in development is coming to an end.

This makes for pretty good timing, given that I’ve also started to work in earnest on one of my new projects, which I’ll hopefully be able to announce soon.

As usual this month’s Soldier’s Guide to the Infinite Sea, Adventurer’s Guide to the Fledgling Realms and Creator’s Guide to Writing and Worldbuilding are now up. If you like these sorts of worldbuilding articles, or would simply like to support my work further, I’d encourage you to contribute to my Patreon, which funds these three columns. I’ve just added two additional backers tiers for those who’d like to offer support beyond the $10-a-month tier, and have the means to do so.

July Update

Another busy month this time around, putting in work on both Burden of Command and another project which I’ll hopefully be able to announce soon.

As usual this month’s Soldier’s Guide to the Infinite Sea, Adventurer’s Guide to the Fledgling Realms and Creator’s Guide to Writing and Worldbuilding are now up.

June Update

It’s been an eventful month this time around. I’ve been spending a lot of time settling into my new computer, and moving over all the tools which I need for my workflow. That’s part of the reason why this month’s Patreon articles are a bit late. Don’t worry. The process is just about finished and we’ll be back on schedule for next month.

In the meantime, this month’s Soldier’s Guide to the Infinite Sea, Adventurer’s Guide to the Fledgling Realms and Creator’s Guide to Writing and Worldbuilding are all up.

May Update

This past month, I’ve had some more time to work on my monthly columns, which means May’s articles are a bit longer and more in-depth than usual.

In addition to the normal Soldier’s Guide to the Infinite Sea and Adventurer’s Guide to the Fledgling Realms articles, I’ve also written a post-mortem of Lords of Infinity for this month’s Creator’s Guide to Writing and Worldbuilding. It discusses a lot of the feedback I’ve gotten from fans over the course of the past two months, as well as the lessons I’m taking going forward into my next interactive fiction project (which I’ve also started preliminary work on).

As usual, these are funded by those of you who contribute to my Patreon, which is honestly one of the major reasons I’ve been able to keep up writing full-time. This line of work doesn’t make anywhere near as much money as most people think, and even with the surge of income from Lords of Infinity‘s release, we’re still not in particularly good shape financially. It was not easy to go more than four years working on a single project without any new release revenue, and oftentimes it was my Patreon which filled the gap and made it so I didn’t have to get a second job or go to friends or family for help making rent.

So thank you, to all of you who’ve contributed during that time. I wouldn’t have been able to devote anywhere near the amount of time and effort I did to Lords of Infinity without you, which means the quality of the finished narrative owes a lot to your generosity.

April Update

Not much news this month. I’m still plugging away at updates on Lords of Infinity, among other things – though with most of the major game-breaking bugs now fixed, I can turn out updates at a more relaxed pace. I’ve also been putting in work on other projects (including Burden of Command, which is getting pretty close to a complete game now). There are also some other new developments in the works, though I can’t talk about those quite yet.

I’m also trying to take some time for myself before those future projects get up to full speed now that I have some spare time and (hopefully soon) some spare money. For one thing, I’m planning on getting a new PC (this one is over a decade old and literally falling apart). No greater ambitions beyond that though, not yet.

In the meantime this month’s Soldier’s Guide to the Infinite Sea, Adventurer’s Guide to the Fledgling Realms, and Creator’s Guide to Writing and Worldbuilding are all up, so give those a look if you’re so inclined. A big thanks to both new and long-term subscribers to my Patreon for supporting it all.

Another Interview

This past month (just following the release of Lords of Infinity), I did another interview with Aaron Spelker of Mobile Accessible Games. We talked a bit about the new release, as well as some of its underlying themes, writing consequences, what it’s like trying to faithfully recreate a transition from war to peace, and a little bit of what I would have liked to do better.

You can have a listen on Youtube (I was thankfully able to borrow a better quality mic this time around, although my webcam is still pretty awful).

You can find Aaron on Twitter, and his Mobile Accessible Games group in Facebook. He also has a large number of interviews with other game developers (as well as my previous interview) on his Youtube Channel.

March Update

Well, it has certainly been a very eventful month so far. Lords of Infinity may be released, but that doesn’t mean I haven’t been fielding a constant stream of bug reports, feedback, and other suggestions for updates, which I’ve been trying to get out at a fairly steady pace (with three updates since release and a fourth on its way out soon). However, I think I’ve gotten most of the errors and bugs ironed out by now. Hopefully, that means I’ll soon have some time to rest a bit, after what has basically been an almost-five year non-stop development cycle.

That doesn’t mean I haven’t been working on anything else though. Some of you looking through the pages for my Patreon content may have noticed a few changes: namely, that there are now links to plaintext versions of this year’s articles. This was something I put together based on a kind fan’s suggestion to make my Patreon content more accessible for those who use screen-readers due to disability or other reasons.

Eventually, I plan on transcribing as many of the image-based articles into plaintext as possible. In the meantime, I’ll be adding plaintext transcripts for new articles, as well as on the Patreon page itself. If anyone has any further suggestions regarding this new system, I’d love to hear them, especially if it means making them more accessible or easier to read.

And of course, this month’s Soldier’s Guide to the Infinite Sea, Adventurer’s Guide to the Fledgling Realms, and Creator’s Guide to Writing and Worldbuilding are all up.

Lords of Infinity is out today!

Finally, after more than four years of work, and 1.6 million written words, Lords of Infinity comes out today on all platforms.

Needless to say, this has been a massive undertaking, one which has stretched my skills as a writer and a game designer (and my patience as a person) to the absolute limits at times. However, I am more than merely proud of what I’ve put together, and I hope that the time and effort I’ve put into crafting this story will pay off as it passes from my hands to yours.

You can buy Lords of Infinity on Steam, through the Choice of Games website, Google Play, or via the Hosted Games app on iOS Store or Amazon.

Lords of Infinity has a Demo!

Just one more announcement before the end of the month: I’m happy to announce that Lords of Infinity now has a free demo, covering character generation, the prologue, and the first two chapters, which comes to somewhere around 200k words worth of content.

If that sounds like too much, remember that this is about one-eighth of the entire game.

You can play the demo here.

February Update

As of today, I’ve finished all pending pre-release work on Lords of Infinity: which means all achievements, images, and additional pieces of content which I was waiting for the post-copyedit process to implement are all now in. After a few more rounds of testing, I’ll be sending it all in for publishing – which means that barring any bugs I find last minute, the build of Lords of Infinity currently on my computer is the version which will release in two weeks.

Of course, that doesn’t mean I’ll be done. After release, I’ll still be on standby to deal with new bug reports and feedback, but until then, I think I’ll have some time to myself.

In the meantime, this month’s installments of A Soldier’s Guide to the Infinite Sea, and An Adventurer’s Guide to the Fledgling Realms, are both up.